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KINE 119 –  First Aid/Adult & Pedi CPR (CRN: 47776) at  College of San Mateo for Spring 2025

College of San Mateo Website Day Class Hybrid Class Late Start

KINE 119 First Aid/Adult & Pediatric CPR

The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, back injuries, heat and cold emergencies and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies to help victims of any age - adults (about 12 years and older) and pediatric (infants and children up to 12 years of age). Students who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. Because the certificate for Adult CPR/AED is valid for two years, a student may file a Petition to Repeat KINE 119 if the course was completed more than 4 semesters ago. This is not an activity class.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Grade Option (Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass)
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area E1), UC
C-ID: KIN 101

College of San Mateo : Map

Department: Kinesiology

Number of Units: 3

HMA - Online
Meeting Date: 03/17-05/22
Meeting Time:
Building:  Virtual Room:  Remote
Instructor: Mikel Schmidt
HMA - Lecture and/or Discussion
Meeting Date: 05/17-05/17
Meeting Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Days: Sa
Building: 08 Room: 0202
Instructor: Mikel Schmidt
Critical Dates for this Course Date
Last day to add class May 17, 2025
Last day to drop with a refund May 17, 2025
Last day to drop without a "W" May 16, 2025
Last day to drop with a "W" May 17, 2025
Last day to change to Pass/No Pass Grading Option May 22, 2025
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