DGME 164 - User Interface/User Exp Design

DGME 164 User Interface/User Experience Design     

Covers the fundamentals of user-centered interface design concepts and practices for web, mobile devices, and other applications. Students gain an understanding of how users interact with an interface and be introduced to the concepts of usability, interface associations and aesthetics, and the user experience. Basic knowledge of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop is required. Software: Adobe Creative Cloud®

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Grade Option (Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass)
  • Lecture hours/semester: 40-45
  • Lab hours/semester: 24-27
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Transfer Credit: CSU, UC
Search for DGME 164 in WebSchedule

College of San Mateo

Department: Digital Media

Number of Units: 3

This description is for the Spring 2025 term