MATH 251 - Calculus/Analytic Geometry I

MATH 251 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I

This course is an introduction to calculus and analytic geometry, including limits and continuity, the derivative, applications of the derivative, the definite integral, and the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 80-90
  • Homework hours/semester: 160-180
Prerequisites: MATH 222 Or Path to Calculus (Math 225) or placement by other college approved methods.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area C1; Area E2b
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B4), UC* (IGETC Area 2A)
C-ID: MATH 210
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College of San Mateo

Department: Mathematics

Number of Units: 5

This description is for the Summer 2025 term